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Are you supporting a friend?

What to do if a friend is suicidal or you are seriously concerned about them

If a young person you know has seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose call 999 or get them immediate medical treatment from A&E. If they are feeling suicidal or in a crisis stay with them, make sure they’re not on their own. 

Urgent help for young people in Leeds experiencing a mental health crisis
  • Talk to another adult about what’s going on e.g. someone who works at your school or a parent who you trust.
  • Support your friend to find help through the link above
  • Your friend may be having thoughts about suicide. They might be talking about wanting to end their life, acting really out of character or saying or doing worrying things. Take this seriously.
  • They may be asking you to keep this confidential and this puts you in a difficult position, but acting now could save their life. Tell them you are very concerned about them and that you need to get them some help even if they feel they don’t want help.



Look after yourself

It’s good to support your friends but it can take its toll on your own mental health. Make sure you are also getting the support you need.

Are you supporting a friend or young person to get support longer term?

Look at different support options below together to help them access support, or send them the link.

Support in Leeds for young people's mental health