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Are you a young carer?

Are you a young carer?

Caring for someone else is hard. Being a Young Carer can feel very lonely at times as looking after someone takes time. This means finding time for school work, activities and seeing friends is harder. Other people might find it hard to understand this. There are places that can help and you don’t need to do everything by yourself. Talking to people can really help.

Looking after yourself

Being a young carer, and caring for someone else, especially a parent, can feel really tough. You might feel that you need to keep your feelings and thoughts happy all the time and keep any sad ones to yourself. You may feel a drop in your mood, become stressed or feel that you are unable to cope.

Can you find time to think about yourself and about how you’re feeling too? Find ways to take care of yourself, or look at the links below for more support and help.

If you feel you cannot talk about your feelings with the person you are caring for then there may be other people you can turn to. Find your MindMates to help you think about who these people might be.

Things you might find useful

Leeds Young Carers

Support service for young carers aged 5-18 years old in Leeds.

Leeds Young Carers

Carers Leeds

Young Adult Carers support service for 16-25 year-olds caring for someone.

Carers Leeds

Young Carers Support App

Information about support for young carers in West Yorkshire including information about a support app.

Find out more

NHS choices

Being a young carer – your rights as a young carer and what choices you have

NHS choices

Are you a parent or carer? 

If you’re looking for more information to support a young person you care for with their mental health, visit our parent and carers page.